As the month of December started everybody keep eyes on soon to be mummy Kareena Kapoor. Finally, Kareena Kapoor has become a mother of a beautiful baby boy on December 20 morning. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are looking very happy on the birth of their baby. They have given name to their baby Taimur Ali Khan. He is such a cute baby like his parents.
After discharging from the Mumbai Breach Candy Hospital, new mummy and daddy showed off their new born baby to the world and expressed their happiness by waving hands to media. Kareena had a big smile on her face. She was quite relax and simple while daddy Saif Ali Khan was holding the baby.
It is not surprising if Kareena goes back to work after delivery. During pregnancy, Kareena kept in touch with media and continued to work. She spent whole time of pregnancy in chill and calm mood. She carried herself in quite good manner even in the last months of pregnancy. After the delivery, she was seen in the glasses with open hair and comfortable dress but she was looking cute.
Many famous celebrities came to meet Kareena Kapoor and Taimur Ali Khan in the hospital like Karishma Kapoor, Soha Ali Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Amrita Arora, Malaika Arora, Randhir Kapoor etc.
Congratulations to Saif and Kareena for having such a cute baby. Have a happy life with this little Nawab.